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Approved Site by Minister of Tourism of Cuba
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Cayo Largo del Sur
Province: Isla de la Juventud
Country: Cuba
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Cuba, full of options for rest and recreation, incorporates the big island the attractions of tens of cays that make up the Cuban archipelago. The interest of visitors by new leisure offers led to turn our gaze toward destinations like Cayo Largo del Sur, at the eastern end of the Canarreos, with a surface area of 37 square kilometers. Its name responds to the elongated shape that holds, with a story that also reveals as in 1494 served as the point of travel to the Admiral Christopher Columbus on his second trip to Cuba.

The territory is located 135 kilometers from Nueva Gerona (Isle of Youth) and 125 kilometers from Cienfuegos, with neighbors only as Cayo Rico, Cayo Cantiles and Cayo Iguana, all of incomparable natural beauty.

For tourism, it have 24 kilometers of excellent beaches with fine white sand, which prevents its excessive heating. The latter benefit is given by the chemical origin of the arenas, which also constitute an ideal terrain for outdoor recreation and water sports.

A wide range of beach areas includes the call Siren, considered as the most beautiful of quieter waters, with a location that protects it from winds and swells. The largest extension corresponds to Playa Blanca, coupled with the small and cozy Lindamar, with the peculiarity of being located in an area of the coast in the form of shell and framed by white rocks. Moon Beach - calm waters and sand to descend on a slope-, turtles and underwater Coconut Beach, this last call this by the trees of this species that provide shade, are integrated in the incomparable environment of Cayo Largo.

Of course, hotel facilities in first line welcome visitors, among them the Sol Club Cayo Largo, with air-conditioned rooms and facilities for water sports and beach. Are further compounded by the Sun Pelican, of some 300 rooms and the South Island, this last one is the dean of the facilities of the mentioned destination, in addition to villas as Lindamar, Soledad and Coral.

In the island also operates the Turtle Farm, which is part of the conservation programs and natural protection of the natural resources. In this way, three kinds of sea turtles (green, loggerhead and carey) choose the Beaches of Cayo Largo to spawn each year and in this establishment are busy putting the eggs to guard of tourists and protect the offspring to return them to their natural habitat.

Complete the offer of leisure of Cayo Largo del Sur The marine services and diving centers, enabled for the enjoyment of the unparalleling seabed surrounding the paradisiacal tourist destination. The attraction of the place is also highlighted in the conservation of its natural environment, where they emphasize coralline barriers that call the diving. The islet was also witness to the activity of privateers and pirates, with evident signs in remains of old boats in its seabed.

  • Bella Isla Resort
  • Bellarena Resort
  • Coral
  • Isla del Sur
  • Lindamar
  • Ole Playa Blanca
  • Pelícano, Hotel
  • Sol Cayo Largo
  • Soledad
  • Villa Iguana
  • Villa Marinera

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    Excursion to Cayo Iguana.

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    Excursion to Cayo Iguana. Barceló Cayo Largo. Swimming pool Pier on Cayo Iguana. Fishing. Paraíso Beach. Sirena Beach. Cayo Largo. Nautical sports Walk on the beach. Pelican. View of the coast. Sirena Beach. Sirena Beach. View of the beach. Family walking on the beach. Tourists enjoying the beach. Clinic. Shop. Transfer. Turtle. Turtle-raising farm. Collective transfer. Excursion on train. Bar on the beach. Barceló Cayo Largo. Beach Starfish. Cayo Largo. View of the sea Barceló Cayo Largo. Thatched-roof restaurant Barceló Cayo Largo. Swimming pool
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